Miss Mary Broderick of Chicago was selected as “Miss Winnipesaukee” for 1927 at the annual bathing beauty contest last night at the Winnipesaukee Gardens. Miss Broderick is the niece of Chief Arthur W. Spring of the Fire Department and former Chief of Police Daniel Finn and is spending her summer as guest of Chief Spring’s family at their camp on Lake Winnisquam.
Over 2000 persons witnessed the parade of contestants at the Gardens, the judge of the event being none other than Miss Norma Smallwood of Tulsa, Okla., who won all the prizes in the national bathing beauty pageant at Atlantic City last year.
Miss Smallwood, when introduced to the audience by Mr. Irwin, was given a tremendous ovation.
“I want also to present Miss Smallwood’s chum,” said Mr. Irwin, bowing to an equally charming visitor, who quickly interrupted with a proud smile, “I beg your pardon Mr. Irwin, I’m her mother.” The mother, who is accompanying Norma and her younger daughter, Lucille, on a tour looked nearly as young as the girls.
Miss Smallwood appeared before the audience in three changes of costume, and also danced to a waltz in evening costume, as in the final test in the beauty contest at Atlantic City.
Mr. Irwin announced that the contest to select Miss Winnipesaukee had narrowed down to four girls each representing a different type, Miss Mary Broderick of Chicago, Miss Ruby Virgin of Tilton, Miss Olive Johnson and Miss Betty MacKenzie of Malden, Mass. Each of the four named came into the hall alone and walked around, as Miss Smallwood had done, and the audience registered its judgment by applause. Then Miss Smallwood retired with the judges, and shortly announced the selection of Miss Broderick for first prize of a large silver cup. Because of the attractiveness of the contestants, and the difficulty confronting the judges, Mr. Irwin announced Miss Virgin, Miss Johnson and Miss MacKenzie would each receive a small silver cup.
Do you have a picture of Mary Broderick? If you have any information about Mary Broderick, or any other Miss Winnipesaukee, that you would like to share with us, please contact us at gary@misswinnipesaukee.org.